English Chocolates in Denver

A special find in Highlands Ranch, Colorado!  Rocketfizz has an array of chocolates, sweeties from all over the world.  You need to forget what you would pay for them in the UK, but sometimes it is worth the extra to get a taste of home.

Its' been a while

I have had other projects in the works since my last post on here.  However, in that time, a development occurred which has encouraged me to revisit my blog and change things up a bit.

This development started over a cup of tea with an English friend of mine here in Denver. We realized that between us both, we knew a few other Brits.  We decided to 'join forces', and nearly 12 months on, our group is nearly at 50!

It has been great getting acquainted with new friends, some very new to Denver, others have been a long time.  A common theme is that we mostly came on short term contracts, and never went back.  Between us we now know where to buy our British goods, how to watch UK TV, listen to tales of problems with visa's and passports.

Follow our events, updates and finds here.  And all is welcome to join.